Campaign Announcement! Re-launch of the May 28 Internationational Day of Action on Women’s Health

Today, May 8, we are excited to announce the re-launch of the May 28 International Day of Action for Women’s Health via a press statement sent out to local, regional and international media.

In commemoration of 30 years of struggle and activism reflected in the victories of the women’s rights movement in the International Conference on Population and Development (Cairo, 1994) and in the IV World Conference on Women (Beijing, 1995), women’s rights defenders and activists worldwide are re-launching May 28, the International Day of Action for Women’s Health, by calling on governments to ensure a holistic, inclusive, and human rights-based approach to women and girls’ health, which includes sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) in the Post-2015 Development Agenda.

It was on May 28 1987, during the IV International Women’s Health Meeting in Costa Rica that women’s rights activists proposed to celebrate May 28 as the International Day of Action for Women’s Health, as a means to speak out on SRHR issues faced by women and girls all over the world.

Nearly 30 years on, activists warn that the full realization of all women’s SRHR remains far from being addressed, as “women’s health” has often been reduced to a limited understanding of maternal health, overlooking the actual needs of all women in their diversities. As a result, significant challenges persist, in terms of recognizing sexual rights in addition to reproductive rights, ensuring universal access to contraceptives and safe and legal abortion, as well as comprehensive sexuality education for young people, among other critical SRHR issues.

WGNRR is also happy to announce that this year’s re-launch of the campaign is incollaboration with over 20 international, regional and national organizations. The re-launch is an effort to mobilize women all over the world to demand the inclusion of their human right to health in the Post-2015 Development Agenda, of which our sexual and reproductive health and rights are an integral part.

With less than three weeks left to go before the International Day of Action for Women’s Health, WGNRR is calling on members, allies, partners, as well as the general public to become part of the movement and join global efforts to promote, defend, and demand women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Please let us know of your plans to commemorate the Day of Action, email us at, kindly include the following information.

Title of the event:
Short description of your event (not more than 200 words).

Join Us and Take Action!
There is a variety of actions you can take to commemorate May 28. Below you will find suggestions on how to spread May 28 message.

Join us and SRHR advocates worldwide in showing governments that a holistic approach to women’s health is about recognizing women and girls sexual rights and reproductive rights, and supporting women of all ages in all their diversities as they make sexual and reproductive choices for themselves, throughout their whole lives.

JOIN the May 28th Campaign re-launch by endorsing the Call to Action 

Your contributions will help inform your government’s understanding of women’s SRHR issues and influence the high level discussions at the United Nations on the New Development Agenda in the following months. We want to make sure your voice will be heard!!

This May28th SPEAK OUT:

  • Host an awareness raising activity: forum, meeting, workshop/training, or cultural event on the need of a holistic, inclusive, and human rights-based approach to women’s health, including SRHR for all women and girls in all their diversities.

This May28th MOBILIZE:

  • Mobilize your network of reproductive justice activists for a public action: press conference, street demonstration, banner-drops, information stands, street play, flash mob, photo/art exhibit.
  • Check out the May 28 website for more mobilization ideas and messages you can use in your activities!

This May28th CONNECT:

  • Engage other partners and allies in May 28th Campaign
  • Share the Call for Action 
  • Share the May 28th Campaign Action Alerts we will be sending throughout the whole month with more ideas and messages.
  • Share with us your campaign plans for May 28th to We will make sure to inform others about your events!


This May 28th ADVOCATE:

  • Send your government and the UN agencies in charge of drafting the Post-2015 Development Agenda a statement explaining the need for the inclusion of SRHR language and specific targets. You can find statement templates on the May 28th website later this month!
  • Send your demands through Twitter to your National Delegates before the UN and UN representatives. Find tweet examples on the May 28 website.

Visit and share and learn more about the campaign and learn what you can do in your community!

Empowered and respected choices!
Recognized needs and realized rights in the POST2015 agenda now!

Mobilise, Assert, Demand!