This May 28 – International Day of Action for Women’s Health, organizations and activists mobilize, take action, and amplify demands for sexual and reproductive health and rights and justice (SRHRJ) for all through inclusive, accessible, and available SRH information and services! Demand the prioritization of SRHR in all development agendas, human rights conventions and treaties, and electoral agendas! Resist right-wing, populist, anti-rights narratives; resist weaponization of family and cultural values to undermine SRHR; resist despair that such reactionary forces aim to cultivate.
We are in a juncture of turbulent times characterized by wars, injustices, crises, and authoritarianism. However, the year also presents us with pivotal opportunities to demand global leaders to commit to a future where women, girls, and gender-diverse people’s SRHR is fulfilled, protected, and promoted. This entails ensuring that everyone has the power to make decisions about their own bodies and futures, free from coercion and discrimination. Commitments to the freedom, justice, and rights of all individuals must extend to ending genocides, wars, and conflicts.
This #May28 – International Day of Action for Women’s Health, our actions and demands were strong reminders of the centrality of the SRHRJ, and bodily autonomy of every women, girl, and gender-diverse person within every election, development agenda, and action plan.
The May 28 Campaign Report is now being developed. Please share your activities with us and be featured in this year’s Report. Email them to
For over two decades, feminist activists across the world have marked days of action to mobilize for our fundamental right to sexual and reproductive healthcare on May 28th – International Day of Action for Women’s Health, and September 28th – Day of Action for Access to Safe and Legal Abortion, and this year the inaugural Global Day of Action to Destigmatize Abortions has joined this history by taking place on March 28!
Thailand has made firm international commitments which guarantee the promotion, protection and fulfilment of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) for LGBTIQ and women forcibly displaced persons. This Call to Action presents recommendations and call upon the Government of Thailand to work with civil society, development partners and other relevant stakeholders to fully implement its international commitments and address the SRHR issues faced by LGBTIQ and women forcibly displaced persons.
Check out these powerful activities happening around the world for International Day of Action for Women’s Health! Join ones happening near you and help spread the word.
Got actions, statements, and key messages for us to amplify? All contributions are welcome! Email them to